Importance of Madinah : Why is Madinah so Important of Islam

Madinah, or Al-Madinah Al-Munawwarah, the Second Largest holiest place in Islam and holds a special place in the hearts of every Muslim Ummah. This city is not only an important historical landmark of Islam, but also a source of light and faith. Mention of Madinah is linked to the most important aspect of Prophet Muhammad’s ﷺ life. And its speciality touches the hearts of every Muslim Ummah. Let’s try to understand the importance of Madinah from a deeper perspective.
Madinah: A New Beginning of Islam
When Prophet Muhammad ï·º saw difficulties in Mecca, he migrated to Madinah by the order of Allah. This event of Hijrah was not just a journey but a new beginning for Islam. After reaching Madinah, Prophet Muhammad ï·º founded a society based on justice, equality and mercy. Allah mentioned this journey in the Quran:
“And those who left their homes in the path of Allah, He will give them a good place in this world and the reward of the afterlife is even greater.” (Surah An-Nahl, 16:41)
Al-Masjid an-Nabawi: The Spiritual Place of Islam
The most famous place in Medina is Al-Masjid an-Nabawi, which was built by the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) with his own hands. It is not just a mosque, but a center of faith. The reward of praying here is much greater than in other places. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said:
“One prayer in my mosque is better than a thousand prayers in any other place except Al-Masjid al-Haram.” (Sahih Bukhari)
And the most spiritual thing is that this mosque houses the Rawza (grave) of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), which is a source of blessing for every Muslim.
City of Brotherhood
When Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) came to Madinah, he established an exemplary relationship between the Muhajirun (migrants from Mecca) and the Ansar (people of Madinah). This example of brotherhood is a lesson for the whole world. Prophet (pbuh) said:
“Muslims are brothers of each other, they neither oppress nor leave their brothers alone.” (Sunan Abu Dawood)
This brotherhood shows that the message of Islam is of love and unity.
Constitution of Madinah: Message of Justice and Peace.
In Madinah, Nabi ï·º created the first Islamic constitution, which is called Misaq-e-Madina. This constitution was a message of justice and equality for people of every religion. In it, the rights of Muslims and non-Muslims were protected. This example tells that Islam is not just a religion, but is a model of such a society which pleads for justice and peace for all.
The revelation of the Quran in Madinah:
Madinah is the city where most of the important parts of the Quran were revealed. The verses revealed here shed light on social laws, principles of worship and human beings. Allah said in the Quran:
“And we have revealed this Quran with truth and it has been revealed with truth.” (Surah Al-Isra, 17:105)
These verses are a beacon of light for Muslims even today.
Prophet Muhammad ï·º’s prayer for Madinah.
Prophet Muhammad ï·º prayed for blessings for Madinah. Nabi ï·º said:
“Allahumma barik lana fi Madinah.” (Sahih Bukhari)
And said in another hadith:
“Madinah is better for those who understand its meaning.” (Sahih Bukhari)
This dua makes Madinah a place of peace and blessings for every Muslim.
Importance of Madinah: Journey of faith
Going to Madinah is not compulsory like Hajj, but it is the dream of every Muslim. Visiting the Roza of Nabi ï·º and praying in Masjid an-Nabawi is a beautiful experience which satisfies both the heart and soul.
Madinah: In the heart of every Muslim
Madinah is not just a city, but a part of every Muslim’s heart. This place brings us closer to the Prophet Muhammad ï·º and gives us a chance to understand the true message of Islam. Following the footsteps of the Prophet Muhammad ï·º, acting upon his teachings, and experiencing the spiritual moments of Madinah is a great blessing for every Muslim.
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Madinah is the name of a spiritual journey which gives peace to the heart of every Muslim. The soil of this city, its every corner and its air refreshes the soul of a Muslim. May Allah bless us with the opportunity to visit Madinah and the place of Prophet Muhammad ï·º and the opportunity to truly love his city.