The Early Life of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was born in Mecca (Makkah), Arabia, on Monday, the 12th of Rabi’ Al-Awal in the Year of the Elephant (570 CE). His mother, Aminah, was the daughter of Wahb Ibn Abdu Manaf of the noble Zahrah family. His father, Abdullah, passed away before his birth. Prophet Muhammad’s lineage can be traced back to Prophet Ishmael, the son of Prophet Abraham, in about the 40th generation.
“He was the most handsome of men of medium height, black hair and beard. His teeth shone gleaming white when he smiled. But it was his character and perfect behaviour which made the greatest impression.” – Excerpt from the book written by Dr. Yusuf Islam (1996/2006).
Childhood in the Desert
As per the custom of the Arabs, newborns were sent to live with Bedouins in the desert. This was believed to strengthen them and expose them to pure Arabic language and the healthy desert lifestyle. Baby Muhammad (PBUH) was placed in the care of Halima Sadia, a kind but poor wet nurse.
Halima and her family lived a life of scarcity during a time of famine, but as soon as Muhammad (PBUH) entered their home, blessings began to pour in. Their animals started giving abundant milk, and their fortunes turned. The once empty herd now returned full and healthy, leaving others amazed. Halima recognized that the child she was caring for was truly special.
After two years, Halima returned Muhammad (PBUH) to his mother, Aminah. However, she persuaded Aminah to allow the boy to stay with her for two more years, explaining the extraordinary blessings he had brought into their lives.
The Incident with Angel Jibrael
The Miraculous Event
When Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was a young boy, something amazing happened. Angel Jibrael (also known as Gabriel) appeared and opened Muhammad’s chest. This might sound scary, but don’t worry, it was a miraculous event!
Removing the “Portion of Shaytan” (हिस्सा शैतान का)
Angel Jibrael removed a small part from Muhammad’s heart, which is described as the “portion of Shaytan” (हिस्सा शैतान का). This means that any bad or evil influences were removed from Muhammad’s heart.
Washing with Zamzam Water (ज़मज़म का पानी)
After removing the bad influences, Angel Jibrael washed Muhammad’s heart with Zamzam water (ज़मज़म का पानी). Zamzam water is a special water from a well in Mecca, which is considered holy in Islam.
Restoring the Heart
Finally, Angel Jibrael restored Muhammad’s heart to its original state. This miraculous event showed that Muhammad (PBUH) was under divine protection (अल्लाह की रक्षा में).
The Double Orphan
When Muhammad (PBUH) was six years old, his mother, Aminah, passed away during a journey to visit her relatives. This left Muhammad (PBUH) as a yateem (orphan), with no parents to care for him. His grandfather, Abdul Muttalib, took him in and loved him deeply. Abdul Muttalib was the leader of the Quraish tribe, and despite his responsibilities, he ensured that Muhammad (PBUH) was cared for tenderly. He would often keep Muhammad close to him, even during important meetings, showing how special he was to him.
Sadly, after two years, Abdul Muttalib also passed away, leaving eight-year-old Muhammad (PBUH) without a guardian once again. Before his death, Abdul Muttalib entrusted Muhammad (PBUH) to his son, Abu Talib. Abu Talib, though not wealthy, raised Muhammad with great love (mohabbat) and ensured his safety and education in the ways of life.
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A Glimpse of Greatness
At the age of 12, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) joined his uncle Abu Talib on a trading journey to Syria. This was a significant moment in his early life, as it marked his first exposure to international trade and the diverse cultures and religions of the region. The caravan (carvaan – व्यापारियों का समूह) traveled to a city called Busra, an important trade hub in Syria.
During this journey, a Christian monk (monk – साधु) named Bahira observed something extraordinary about young Muhammad (PBUH). Bahira, known for his deep knowledge of religious scriptures, noticed a cloud providing shade to Muhammad (PBUH) as he traveled. He also observed a unique mark on Muhammad’s back, which many scholars believe was the “Seal of Prophethood” (Nabuwat ki mohar – पैग़म्बर होने का निशान).
Bahira invited the entire caravan to a meal, but his primary interest was to meet Muhammad (PBUH). After speaking with him and observing his behavior, Bahira was convinced that this boy was destined for a significant role in the future. Bahira then advised Abu Talib to protect Muhammad (PBUH) from any harm, especially from those who might feel threatened by his potential greatness.
This incident holds great importance because it showed early recognition of Muhammad’s extraordinary qualities. Bahira’s observations were based on his understanding of earlier scriptures and prophecies (bhavishyavani – भविष्यवाणी) about the coming of a final prophet.
This journey also exposed young Muhammad (PBUH) to the world of trade and negotiation, skills he would later excel in as an honest and trustworthy merchant (tajir – व्यापारी).
The Youth of Al-Ameen
As a young man, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) earned the title “Al-Ameen” (अल-अमीन), meaning “The Trustworthy” (भरोसेमंद), because of his honesty (ईमानदारी) and reliability (विश्वसनीयता). People in his community admired him for always speaking the truth and being fair in his dealings. Life wasn’t easy for him, yet he remained dedicated to helping his family. To support them, he worked as a shepherd (गड़ेरिया), taking care of sheep and goats in the vast deserts of Mecca.
Despite living in a society filled with lawlessness (कानूनहीनता), violence (हिंसा), and immoral (अनैतिक) practices, Muhammad (PBUH) stood out because of his noble character (उच्च चरित्र). He was deeply disturbed by the injustices around him, such as the mistreatment of the poor, women, and orphans. He often reflected on these issues, feeling compassion (दया) and developing a strong sense of justice (न्याय की भावना). These qualities later became the foundation of his Prophethood (नबूवत), when he received the message of Islam from Allah (अल्लाह). His life teaches us that even in the face of difficulties, one can choose to be honest, kind, and just, making a positive difference in society.
Quote for Reflection
“When life seems harsh, remember that blessings often come quietly, like the desert rain.”
This article explores the profound and inspiring early life of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), highlighting his journey from childhood to a young man destined for greatness. His life is a reminder of resilience, kindness, and divine blessings.
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