How to Perform Umrah step-by-Step : A Blessed Journey : 786

How to Perform Umrah step-by-Step

How to Perform Umrah step-by-step instructions to help you understand the sacred pilgrimage with sincerity, devotion, and clarity.

It is important for all of us who intend to perform Umrah and are looking for Umrah packages to have a deep knowledge of all the rules and regulations of performing Umrah. Insh-sha-Allah, you can know the details about how to perform Umrah by reading our complete article.

The rules for performing Umrah can be divided into five parts –

One: Ihram (obligation)
Two: Tawaf (obligation)
Three: The two rakat prayers of Tawaf (Wajib).
Four: Sa’ee (Wajib)
Five: Shaving the head or cutting the hair short (Wajib)

One: Ihram

What to do before wearing Ihram clothes:

How to Perform Umrah step-by-Step

Before putting on Ihram clothes, it is Sunnah to clean the body hair, cut nails, take a bath and apply perfume on the body for men (not for women), but after putting on Ihram clothes, it is not permissible to apply perfume on the body or on the Ihram clothes

Ihram clothes for men:

Men wear two pieces of unstitched cloth as Ihram clothes, one on the lower part of the body like a lungi (the smaller piece) and the other on the body like a chador (the bigger piece). No hat can be worn on the head or anything covering the head, men cannot wear any sandals that cover the back of the foot.

Ihram clothes for women:

Women can wear any garment with stitching for Ihram. But women cannot wear niqab and gloves in the state of Ihram, but cover their faces with a large veil or similar cloth so that strangers cannot see their faces.

Where to wear Ihram clothes:

Since there is no separate Ihram dress for women, they wear the desired dress from home and men can wear Ihram clothes anywhere before Miqat.
If traveling directly to Jeddah by flight to Makkah, you can wear Ihram from home or after completing airport immigration before boarding the flight by going to the prayer room. And if traveling on a transit flight (Emirates Airlines, Kuwait Airlines, Qatar Airlines, Salam Airlines, Oman Airlines etc.) then you can wear Ihram clothes from the prayer room or Namaz place of the transit airport.

Apart from some flights of Saudi Airlines, there is usually no separate place inside the flight for prayer, so it is difficult to wear Ihram clothes inside the flight.

Those who first go to Madinah and then come to Makkah by car or train or flight to perform Umrah can wear Ihram clothes from the hotel or home in Madinah, but if traveling to Makkah by car, it is better to take ablution in Mecca and wear Ihram clothes on the way, it is mustahab to bathe in Mecca. Mika has a very nice arrangement of separate baths for men and women.


Miqat means the boundary of a place i.e. the place from which one has to intend to perform Umrah or wear Ihram is the Miqat. Remember, Ihram bandha (intention) does not mean wearing Ihram clothes, Ihram bandha is done after making the intention of Umrah from Miqat.

When flying from any country or from Madinah to Makkah to Jeddah, when it is announced from the flight that – “We will cross Miqat in a short while”, one should make the intention of Umrah during the flight in the sky by estimating the time. The announcement was made approximately 50 minutes before the flight landed and the flight crossed Miqat approximately 30 minutes before landing.

And if one wants to go to Madinah first and perform Umrah from Madinah by car or train to Makkah – after crossing the road for about 20 minutes by car one will find Zulhulaifa or Birre Ali Miqat and perform Umrah from there. But in case of going to Makkah by train, the train does not go to Makkah through Bir Ali Miqat and the Miqat guide usually does not give any announcements or instructions, so make the intention of Umrah 5/10 minutes after the train leaves Madinah.

Men have to recite the Niyat of Umrah orally (in a voice that can be heard by oneself). But women will make up their minds. The intention is –

لَبَّيْكَ اَللّهُمَّ عُمْرَةً

Pronunciation: Labbaika Allahumma Umrah.
Meaning: Allah I intend to perform Umrah.

It should be noted that if one crosses the Miqat without intending to perform Umrah, he must return to the nearest Miqat and perform Umrah with the intention. And if it doesn’t, give a breath.

Again, after putting on Ihram or intending to perform Umrah, there are some prohibited acts which must be done. Dum Deya – Sacrifice a goat or dumba or any animal worthy of sacrifice and distribute the whole meat among the poor in Masjidul Haram in Makkah. The Umrah pilgrim himself cannot eat the meat of this Qurbani.

Prohibited activities during Ihram:

From the time of tying Ihram to the completion of Umrah, some activities must be avoided. Prohibited acts during Ihram are –

  1. Cutting or plucking the hair or fur of any part of the body
  2. cut nails
  3. Apply scented oils or perfumes
  4. Indulging in spousal intercourse or engaging in sexually suggestive behavior or speech
    to hunt
  5. Killing any animal
  6. Proposing marriage or making any such dalliances.
  7. Men are covered with hats or something
  8. For men, wearing shoes that cover the back of the foot
  9. Cutting, tearing leaves or uprooting any tree within the Haram area
  10. Get into a fight
  11. In the case of men, wearing any garment with stitching


Read Talbiyah more and more after making the intention of Umrah. Talbiya should be recited individually and not in groups. The men will recite the talbiya in a slightly louder voice so that each other can be heard, but the women will recite it to themselves.

لَبَّيْكَ اَللّهُمَّ لَبَّيْكَ لَبَّيْكَ لَا شَرِيْكَ لَكَ لَبَّيْكَ اِنَّ الْحَمْدَ وَالنِّعْمَةَ لَكَ وَالْمُلْكَ لَا شَرِيْكَ لَكَ

Pronunciation: Labbaik Allahumma Labbaik, Labbaik La-Sharika-Laka Labbaik, Innal Hamda Wan Ni-a Mata Laka Wal-Mulk, La Sharika Lak.

Meaning: I am present O Allah! I am here, I am here to answer your call. You have no partner, surely all praise and wealth are Yours and sole dominion is Yours, You have no partner.

Two: Tawaf

How to start Tawaf:

How to Perform Umrah step-by-Step

After reaching the Holy Makkah before starting the Tawaf, if possible take a bath at your hotel or home, this is a Mustahab act. Enter the Masjidul Haram with the right foot and recite the dua to enter the mosque –

بِسْمِ اللهِ وَ الصّلَةُ وَ السْلَامُ عَلَى رَسُوْلِ اللهِ عُوْذُ بِاللهِ الْعَظِيْمِ وَ بِوَجْهِهِ الْكَرِيْمِ وَ سُلْطانِهِ الْقَدِيْمِ مِنَ الشَّيْطَانِ الرَّجِيْمِ ا َللهُمَّ افْتَحْ لِىْ اَبْوَابَ رَحَمَتِكَ

Meaning: I am starting in the name of Allah. May peace and blessings be upon the Prophet. O Allah! Forgive all my sins. Open the doors of your mercy for me.

Then stop reciting the Talbiyah when you reach the Mataf (open Tawaf place around the Kaaba). Now going to the corner of the Kaaba house where Hajar Aswad is, men will put on the Ihram cloth of the upper body (called Ijtiba) with the right shoulder open and both men and women will start Tawaf with the right hand pointing along Hajar Aswad and keeping the Kaaba on the left side.

At the beginning of the seven rounds of Tawaf, go along Hazret Aswad in this way and raise your right hand and make a gesture (the hand cannot be kissed by pointing) and while making the gesture say –

بِسْمِ اللَّهِ وَاللَّهُ أَكْبَرُ

Pronunciation: Bismillahi Wallahu Akbar


اَللهُ اَكْبَر

Pronunciation: Allahu Akbar

Although it is Sunnah to start Tawaf by kissing Hazre Aswad or touching it with the right hand, but due to overcrowding it is generally not possible anymore.

A Tawaf consists of seven rounds and each round starts from the corner along Hazret Aswad and ends at the corner along Hazret Aswad.

Men walk the first three rounds with small steps (called ramal) and walk normally for the remaining four rounds, while women walk normally for seven rounds.

In each round of Tawaf touch the corner before Hajre Aswad which is called Rukne Yamani corner, because it is Sunnah to touch it during this time, if it is not possible to touch it with hand then Tawaf should be continued. Remember, Rukne Yamani cannot be kissed.

In this way, after completing seven rounds of Tawaf, cover the right shoulder with the Ihram cloth worn by men, i.e. wear it like a chador.

It should be noted that after completing the seventh round of Tawaf, no hand gestures or hand kissing is allowed, and during Tawaf one should never perform Tawaf through Hijre Ismail or Hatim, because Hijre Ismail is a part of the Kaaba and Tawaf cannot be performed inside the Kaaba.

Dua of Tawaf:

Any dua can be made during Tawaf. However, there is a Du’a when performing Tawaf from Rukne Yamani Corner to Hazret Aswad Corner, it is Sunnah to make this Du’a. Two are –

رَبَّنَا اٰتِنَا فِى الدُّنْيَا حَسَنَةً وَّفِى الْاٰخِرَةِ حَسَنَةً وَّقِنَا عَذَابَ النَّارِ

Pronunciation: Rabbana Atina Fid Duniya Hasanataw wa Fil Akhirati Hasanataw wa Kkina A’zabannar.

Meaning: O my Lord! Grant me good in this world, grant me good in the Hereafter, and save me from Hell.

Three: Tawaf prayer

After completing Tawaf, two rakat prayers (Wajib) of Tawaf must be performed. There is no prohibited time for performing this prayer, it can be performed at any time. It is better to perform this prayer in front of Kaaba and Maqam Ibrahim. But if it is not possible to pray at the place of prayer due to the crowd, then it will be possible to pray at any place of Masjidul Haram. Note that women cannot pray standing with other men or men standing with women.

In this wajib prayer of Tawaf, it is better to recite Surah Kafirun in the first rak’ah along with Surah Fatiha and Surah Ikhlas in the second rakat.

After performing the Tawaf prayer, stand and say Bismillah and drink Zamzam water. It is Sunnah to drink Zamzam water at this time and after drinking it, you can take some water in your hand and rub it on your head, face and body for blessings. Next to Mataf there is Zamzam drinking water facility.

Four: Sai

To do Sa’ee first one has to go to Safa Hill, there is one Dua while climbing Safa Hill, the Dua is –

After reaching the Safa hill, face towards the Kaaba and raise both hands as in prayer and recite the following dua, which our Prophet (PBUH) used to recite, before starting the dua say “Allahu Akbar” three times and then say –

Pronunciation: La ilaha illallahu wahdahu la sharikalahu lahul mulku wa lahul hamdu wa hua ala kulli shaying qadir. La ilaha illallahu wahdahu anjaza wa’dahu wa nasr abdahu ohazhamal ahzaba wahdahu.

Meaning: There is no true deity except Allah, He has no partner, to Him belongs all dominion and praise; He has power over all things. There is no true deity except Allah. He who fulfills His promise, helps His servant, and He alone defeats the combined forces.

After doing this dua, recite the dua of your choice.
In this way read the previous dua in Arabic for the second time and then make the dua of your choice. No more saying “Allahu Akbar” before starting the second Du’aati.

Again read the previous Dua in Arabic for the third time and make the Dua of your choice. This time also no need to say “Allahu Akbar” before starting du’aati.

It should be noted that there is no harm in reciting some parts of this dua, but since this is a place for accepting dua, make more dua like yourself here.

After completing the Du’a, Sa’i should be performed, i.e. seven rounds between Safa and Marwa hills.

After finishing the dua of Safa Hill, start walking towards Marwa Hill in a normal way, after a short walk you will see some area marked with green lights, in this green marked area, men should pretend to run a little faster but women should walk normally. Once the green marked area is over, walk to Marwa Hill again thinking it is normal. Thus Sai’s first cycle will end. There is no specific dua while doing Sai, at this time you can make any dua of your choice.

After reaching the Marwa hill, facing the Kaaba, raising both hands as in prayer, recite the dua three times like the Safa hill.

After making Du’a, start walking again from Marwa towards Safa Hill, men will walk a little faster in the green marked area as before and after finishing the green marked area, walk to Marwa Hill as usual. Thus Sai’s second cycle will end.

In the same way a total of seven rounds must be performed and the seventh round of Sa’i will be completed by going to Marwa Hill.

It should be noted that only the first time standing at Safa Hill and the first time at Marwa Hill is required to stand, but the last five rounds do not stand at Safa or Marwa Hill. But make dua according to your choice while saying Saee.

Five: Shave the head

On completion of Sai, men shave their heads or trim the hair around the head evenly, but it is better to shave or shave the head. Remember, when cutting hair short, do not cut a little bit from any part of the head but cut the same amount from the four sides of the head.

Women gather all the hair together and cut one inch of the tip of the hair either by themselves or by a Maharam man.

In this way, Umrah will be completed In-sha-Allah and the forbidden acts of Ihram will now become halal.

How to Perform Umrah step-by-Step
In Short How to Perform Umrah


It is very important to follow the correct rules for performing Umrah. Umrah is performed by completing Ihram, Tawaf and Sa’i. To help you fulfill your religious obligations, it is important to choose a reliable package provider.

Al Meiraj Hajj and Umrah Services, Guwahati offers a variety of Umrah packages that suit your needs. Know about their packages and make your Umrah journey successful by selecting a suitable Umrah package. Check Here Umrah Packages and Hajj Packages From Guwahati

FAQ’s About Umrah

What is Umrah?

Umrah is a voluntary pilgrimage to Mecca that can be performed at any time of the year. It involves specific rituals such as Tawaf (circumambulation of the Kaaba) and Sa’i (walking between the hills of Safa and Marwa).

How is Umrah different from Hajj?

Unlike Hajj, which is obligatory and has specific dates, Umrah is a lesser pilgrimage that can be performed at any time. Hajj includes additional rituals and is one of the Five Pillars of Islam.

What are the essential rituals of Umrah?

The essential rituals include entering the state of Ihram, performing Tawaf around the Kaaba, performing Sa’i between Safa and Marwa, and shaving or trimming the hair.

What is Ihram and how do I enter it?

Ihram is a state of physical and spiritual purity. Pilgrims enter Ihram by wearing specific clothing (two white sheets for men, modest attire for women), making the intention for Umrah, and reciting the Talbiyah.

What is Tawaf and how is it performed?

Tawaf involves circling the Kaaba seven times in a counterclockwise direction. Pilgrims start and end at the Black Stone, reciting prayers and supplications during the circumambulation.

What is Sa’i and how is it performed?

Sa’i involves walking seven times between the hills of Safa and Marwa, following the footsteps of Hajar, the wife of Prophet Ibrahim. Pilgrims recite specific prayers and supplications during this ritual.

Can women perform Umrah alone?

Women can perform Umrah, but it is recommended that they be accompanied by a Mahram (a male relative). However, some scholars and countries allow women to perform Umrah in groups without a Mahram.

What should I do if I make a mistake during Umrah?

If a mistake is made, it is important to seek guidance from knowledgeable individuals or scholars. Some mistakes can be corrected, while others may require specific actions or compensations.

What are the common mistakes to avoid during Umrah?

Common mistakes include not entering the state of Ihram correctly, missing parts of the Tawaf or Sa’i, and not following the proper etiquette and rules of the pilgrimage.

How can I prepare for Umrah?

Preparation includes learning about the rituals, ensuring physical fitness, packing appropriate clothing and essentials, and making necessary travel and accommodation arrangements.

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